Microsoft Excel 2013: Data Analysis and Business Modeling
889 Pages · 2014 · 27.72 MB · English
by Wayne L. Winston
business analysis + excel 2013 + models
Microsoft Excel 2013:
Data Analysis and
Business Modeling
Wayne L. Winston
Published with the authorization of Microsoft Corporation by:
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Copyright © 2014 by Wayne L .Winston
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ISBN: 978-0-7356-6913-0
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Contents at a glance
- Chptr 1 ange names 1
- Chptr 2 Lookup functions 15
- Chptr 3 INDEX function 23
- Chptr 4 MAC function 27
- Chptr 5 ext functions 35
- Chptr 6 Dates and date functions 51
- Chptr 7 Evaluating investments by using net present value criteria 59
- Chptr 8 Internal rate of return 67
- Chptr 9 More Excel financial functions 75
- Chptr 10 Circular references 87
- Chptr 11 IF statements 93
- Chptr 12 ime and time functions 111
- Chptr 13 he aste Special command 117
- Chptr 14 hree-dimensional formulas 123
- Chptr 15 he Auditing tool and Inquire add-in 127
- Chptr 16 Sensitivity analysis with data tables 139
- Chptr 17 he Goal Seek command 149
- Chptr 18 Using the Scenario Manager for sensitivity analysis 155
- Chptr 19 he COUNIF, COUNIFS, COUN, COUNA, and COUNBLANK functions 161
- Chptr 20 he SUMIF, AVEAGEIF, SUMIFS, and AVEAGEIFS functions 169
- Chptr 21 he OFFSE function 175
- Chptr 22 he INDIEC function 187
- Chptr 23 Conditional formatting 195
- Chptr 24 Sorting in Excel 223
- Chptr 25 ables 231
- Chptr 26 Spinner buttons, scroll bars, option buttons, check boxes, combo boxes, and group list boxes 245
- Chptr 27 he analytics revolution 261
- Chptr 28 Introducing optimization with Excel Solver 267
- Chptr 29 Using Solver to determine the optimal product mix 273
- Chptr 30 Using Solver to schedule your workforce 285
- Chptr 31 Using Solver to solve transportation or distribution problems 291
- Chptr 32 Using Solver for capital budgeting 297
- Chptr 33 Using Solver for financial planning 305
- Chptr 34 Using Solver to rate sports teams 313
- Chptr 35 Warehouse location and the GG Multistart and Evolutionary Solver engines 319
- Chptr 36 enalties and the Evolutionary Solver 329
- Chptr 37 he traveling salesperson problem 335
- Chptr 38 Importing data from a text file or document 339
- Chptr 39 Importing data from the Internet 345
- Chptr 40 Validating data 349
- Chptr 41 Summarizing data by using histograms 359
- Chptr 42 Summarizing data by using descriptive statistics 369
- Chptr 43 Using ivotables and slicers to describe data 385
- Chptr 44 he Data Model 441
- Chptr 45 owerivot 455
- Chptr 46 ower View 469
- Chptr 47 Sparklines 485
- Chptr 48 Summarizing data with database statistical functions 491
- Chptr 49 Filtering data and removing duplicates 501
- Chptr 50 Consolidating data 521
- Chptr 51 Creating subtotals 527
- Chptr 52 Charting tricks 533
- Chptr 53 Estimating straight-line relationships 569
- Chptr 54 Modeling exponential growth 577
- Chptr 55 he power curve 581
- Chptr 56 Using correlations to summarize relationships 589
- Chptr 57 Introduction to multiple regression 597
- Chptr 58 Incorporating qualitative factors into multiple regression 605
- Chptr 59 Modeling nonlinearities and interactions 615
- Chptr 60 Analysis of variance: one-way ANOVA 623
- Chptr 61 andomized blocks and two-way ANOVA 629
- Chptr 62 Using moving averages to understand time series 641
- Chptr 63 Winters’s method 645
- Chptr 64 atio-to-moving-average forecast method 651
- Chptr 65 Forecasting in the presence of special events 655
- Chptr 66 An introduction to random variables 663
- Chptr 67 he binomial, hypergeometric, and negative binomial random variables 669
- Chptr 68 he oisson and exponential random variable 679
- Chptr 69 he normal random variable 683
- Chptr 70 Weibull and beta distributions: modeling machine life and duration of a project 691
- Chptr 71 Making probability statements from forecasts 697
- Chptr 72 Using the lognormal random variable to model stock prices 701
- Chptr 73 Introduction to Monte Carlo simulation 705
- Chptr 74 Calculating an optimal bid 715
- Chptr 75 Simulating stock prices and asset allocation modeling 721
- Chptr 76 Fun and games: simulating gambling and sporting event probabilities 731
- Chptr 77 Using resampling to analyze data 739
- Chptr 78 ricing stock options 743
- Chptr 79 Determining customer value 757
- Chptr 80 he economic order quantity inventory model 763
- Chptr 81 Inventory modeling with uncertain demand 769
- Chptr 82 Queuing theory: the mathematics of waiting in line 777
- Chptr 83 Estimating a demand curve 785
- Chptr 84 ricing products by using tie-ins 791
- Chptr 85 ricing products by using subjectively determined demand 797
- Chptr 86 Nonlinear pricing 803
- Chptr 87 Array formulas and functions 813
- Introduction ................... xxi
- Errata ............................. xxvi
- We want to hear from you xxvi
- Stay in touch ................. xxvi
Chapter 1 Range names ..................... 1
- How can I create named ranges? ................................... 1
- Using the Name box to create a range name ................ 2
- Creating named ranges by using Create From Selection . . . . . . 4
- Creating range names by using Define Name ................... 5
- Name Manager ..................................................... 6
- Answers to this chapter’s questions ..................... 7
- Remarks ...............................................................13
- Problems ...................................................... 13
Chapter 2 Lookup functions .................. 15
- Syntax of the lookup functions ................................ 15
- VLOOKUP syntax ......................................... 15
- HLOOKUP syntax ......................................... 16
- Answers to this chapter’s questions .............. 16
- Problems ...................................................... 20
Chapter 3 INDEX function ......... 23
- Syntax of the INDEX function .................. 23
- Answers to this chapter’s questions .............. 23
- Problems ................................................. 25
Chapter 4 MATCH function ............. 27
- Answers to this chapter’s questions29
- Problems32
Chapter 5 Text functions 35
- Text function syntax36
- The LEFT function37
- The RIGHT function37
- The MID function37
- The TRIM function37
- The LEN function37
- The FIND and SEARCH functions37
- The REPT function37
- The CONCATENATE and & functions38
- The REPLACE function38
- The VALUE function 38
- The UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER functions38
- The CHAR function38
- The CLEAN Function39
- Answers to this chapter’s questions40
- Extracting data by using the Convert Text To Columns Wizard43
- Problems47
Chapter 6 Dates and date functions 51
- Answers to this chapter’s questions52
- Problems57
Chapter 7 Evaluating investments by using net present value criteria ......................... 59
- Answers to this chapter’s questions60
- Problems64
Chapter 8 Internal rate of return 67
- Answers to this chapter’s questions68
- Problems73
Chapter 9 More Excel financial functions 75
- Answers to this chapter’s questions75
- CUMPRINC and CUMIPMT functions81
- Problems83
Chapter 10 Circular references 87
- Answers to this chapter’s questions87
- Problems90
Chapter 11 IF statements 93
- Answers to this chapter’s questions94
- Problems106
Chapter 12 Time and time functions 111
- Answers to this chapter’s questions111
- Problems115
Chapter 13 The Paste Special command 117
- Answers to this chapter’s questions117
- Problems121
Chapter 14 Three-dimensional formulas 123
- Answer to this chapter’s question123
- Problem125
Chapter 15 The Auditing tool and Inquire add-in 127
- Answers to this chapter’s questions130
- Problems138
Chapter 16 Sensitivity analysis with data tables 139
- Answers to this chapter’s questions140
- Problems146
Chapter 17 The Goal Seek command 149
- Answers to this chapter’s questions149
- Problems152
Chapter 18 Using the Scenario Manager for sensitivity analysis 155
- Answer to this chapter’s question155
- Remarks158
- Problems158
Chapter 19 The COUNTIF, COUNTIFS, COUNT, COUNTA, and COUNTBLANK functions 161
- Answers to this chapter’s questions163
- Remarks166
- Problems166
Chapter 20 The SUMIF, AVERAGEIF, SUMIFS, and AVERAGEIFS functions 169
- Answers to this chapter’s questions170
- Problems172
Chapter 21 The OFFSET function 175
- Answers to this chapter’s questions176
- Remarks184
- Problems185
Chapter 22 The INDIRECT function 187
- Answers to this chapter’s questions188
- Problems193
Chapter 23 Conditional formatting 195
- Answers to this chapter’s questions197
- Problems219
Chapter 24 Sorting in Excel 223
- Answers to this chapter’s questions223
- Problems230
Chapter 25 Tables 231
- Answers to this chapter’s questions231
- Problems244
Chapter 26 Spinner buttons, scroll bars, option buttons, check boxes, combo boxes, and group list boxes 245
- Answers to this chapter’s questions247
- Problems258
Chapter 27 The analytics revolution 261
- Answers to this chapter’s questions261
- Chapter 28 Introducing optimization with Excel Solver 267
- Problems270
Chapter 29 Using Solver to determine the optimal product mix 273
- Answers to this chapter’s questions273
- Problems283
Chapter 30 Using Solver to schedule your workforce 285
- Answer to this chapter’s question285
- Problems288
Chapter 31 Using Solver to solve transportation or distribution problems 291
- Answer to this chapter’s question291
- Problems294
Chapter 32 Using Solver for capital budgeting 297
- Answer to this chapter’s question297
- Handling other constraints300
- Solving binary and integer programming problems301
- Problems303
Chapter 33 Using Solver for financial planning 305
- Answers to this chapter’s questions305
- Problems310
Chapter 34 Using Solver to rate sports teams 313
- Answer to this chapter’s question314
- Problems318
Chapter 35 Warehouse location and the GRG Multistart and Evolutionary Solver engines 319
- Understanding the GRG Multistart and Evolutionary Solver engines319
- How does Solver solve linear Solver problems?319
- How does the GRG Nonlinear engine solve nonlinear optimization models?320
- How does the Evolutionary Solver engine tackle nonsmooth optimization problems?323
- Answers to this chapter’s questions323
- Problems328
Chapter 36 Penalties and the Evolutionary Solver 329
- Answers to this chapter’s questions329
- Using conditional formatting to highlight each employee’s ratings332
- Problems333
Chapter 37 The traveling salesperson problem 335
- Answers to this chapter’s questions335
- Problems338
Chapter 38 Importing data from a text file or document 339
- Answer to this chapter’s question339
- Problems344
Chapter 39 Importing data from the Internet 345
- Answer to this chapter’s question345
- Problems348
Chapter 40 Validating data 349
- Answers to this chapter’s questions349
- Remarks355
- Problems356
Chapter 41 Summarizing data by using histograms 359
- Answers to this chapter’s questions359
- Problems367
Chapter 42 Summarizing data by using descriptive statistics 369
- Answers to this chapter’s questions370
- Using conditional formatting to highlight outliers375
- Problems382
Chapter 43 Using PivotTables and slicers to describe data 385
- Answers to this chapter’s questions386
- Remarks about grouping424
- Problems437
Chapter 44 The Data Model 441
- Answers to this chapter’s questions441
- Problems453
Chapter 45 PowerPivot 455
- Answers to this chapter’s questions456
- Problems468
Chapter 46 Power View 469
- Answers to this chapter’s questions470
- Problems483
Chapter 47 Sparklines 485
- Answers to this chapter’s questions485
- Problems490
Chapter 48 Summarizing data with database statistical functions 491
- Answers to this chapter’s questions493
- Problems498
Chapter 49 Filtering data and removing duplicates 501
- Answers to this chapter’s questions503
- Problems518
Chapter 50 Consolidating data 521
- Answer to this chapter’s question521
- Problems525
Chapter 51 Creating subtotals 527
- Answers to this chapter’s questions527
- Problems532
Chapter 52 Charting tricks 533
- Answers to this chapter’s questions534
- Problems566
Chapter 53 Estimating straight-line relationships 569
- Answers to this chapter’s questions571
- Problems575
Chapter 54 Modeling exponential growth 577
- Answer to this chapter’s question577
- Problems580
Chapter 55 The power curve 581
- Answer to this chapter’s question584
- Problems586
Chapter 56 Using correlations to summarize relationships 589
- Answer to this chapter’s question591
- Filling in the correlation matrix593
- Using the CORREL function594
- Relationship between correlation and R2594
- Correlation and regression toward the mean595
- Problems595
Chapter 57 Introduction to multiple regression 597
- Answers to this chapter’s questions 597
- Chapter 58 Incorporating qualitative factors into multiple regression 605
- Answers to this chapter’s questions605
Chapter 59 Modeling nonlinearities and interactions 615
- Answers to this chapter’s questions615
- Problems for Chapters 57 and 58. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .619
Chapter 60 Analysis of variance: one-way ANOVA 623
- Answers to this chapter’s questions624
- Problems628
Chapter 61 Randomized blocks and two-way ANOVA 629
- Answers to this chapter’s questions630
- Problems638
Chapter 62 Using moving averages to understand time series 641
- Answer to this chapter’s question641
- Problem643
Chapter 63 Winters’s method 645
- Time series characteristics645
- Parameter definitions645
- Initializing Winters’s method646
- Estimating the smoothing constants647
- Remarks649
- Problems649
Chapter 64 Ratio-to-moving-average forecast method 651
- Answers to this chapter’s questions651
- Problem654
Chapter 65 Forecasting in the presence of special events 655
- Answers to this chapter’s questions655
- Problems662
Chapter 66 An introduction to random variables 663
- Answers to this chapter’s questions663
- Problems667
Chapter 67 The binomial, hypergeometric, and negative binomial random variables 669
- Answers to this chapter’s questions670
- Problems676
Chapter 68 The Poisson and exponential random variable 679
- Answers to this chapter’s questions679
- Problems682
Chapter 69 The normal random variable 683
- Answers to this chapter’s questions683
- Problems689
Chapter 70 Weibull and beta distributions: modeling machine life and duration of a project 691
- Answers to this chapter’s questions691
- Problems696
Chapter 71 Making probability statements from forecasts 697
- Answers to this chapter’s questions698
- Problems699
Chapter 72 Using the lognormal random variable to model stock prices 701
- Answers to this chapter’s questions701
- Remarks704
- Problems704
Chapter 73 Introduction to Monte Carlo simulation 705
- Answers to this chapter’s questions706
- The impact of risk on your decision712
- Confidence interval for mean profit713
- Problems713
Chapter 74 Calculating an optimal bid 715
- Answers to this chapter’s questions715
- Problems718
Chapter 75 Simulating stock prices and asset allocation modeling 721
- Answers to this chapter’s questions722
- Problems729
Chapter 76 Fun and games: simulating gambling and sporting event probabilities 731
- Answers to this chapter’s questions731
- Problems737
Chapter 77 Using resampling to analyze data 739
- Answer to this chapter’s question739
- Problems742
Chapter 78 Pricing stock options 743
- Answers to this chapter’s questions744
- Problems754
Chapter 79 Determining customer value 757
- Answers to this chapter’s questions757
- Problems761
Chapter 80 The economic order quantity inventory model 763
- Answers to this chapter’s questions763
- Problems767
Chapter 81 Inventory modeling with uncertain demand 769
- Answers to this chapter’s questions770
- Problems775
Chapter 82 Queuing theory: the mathematics of waiting in line 777
- Answers to this chapter’s questions777
- Problems782
Chapter 83 Estimating a demand curve 785
- Answers to this chapter’s questions785
- Problems789
Chapter 84 Pricing products by using tie-ins 791
- Answer to this chapter’s question791
- Problems794
Chapter 85 Pricing products by using subjectively determined demand 797
- Answers to this chapter’s questions797
- Problems800
Chapter 86 Nonlinear pricing 803
- Answers to this chapter’s questions803
- Problems810
Chapter 87 Array formulas and functions 813
- Answers to this chapter’s questions814
- Problems827
- Index 831
Whether you work for a Fortune 500 corporation, a small company, a government
agency, or a not-for-profit organization, if you’re reading this introduction the
chances are you use Microsoft Excel in your daily work. Your job probably involves summarizing, reporting, and analyzing data. It might also involve building analytic models to help your employer increase profits, reduce costs, or manage operations more
Since 1999, I’ve taught thousands of analysts at organizations such as 3M, Booz
Allen Hamilton consulting, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Broadcom Cisco Systems, Deloitte
Consulting,, eBay, Eli Lilly, Ford, General Electric, General Motors, Intel,
Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, NCR, Owens Corning, Pfizer, Proctor & Gamble, PWC, Schlumberger, Tellabs, the U.S. Army, the U.S. Department of Defense, and Verizon how to
use Excel more efficiently and productively in their jobs. Students have often told me
that the tools and methods I teach in my classes have saved them hours of time each
week and provided them with new and improved approaches for analyzing important
business problems.
I’ve used the techniques described in this book in my own consulting practice
to solve many business problems. For example, I have used Excel to help the Dallas
Mavericks and New York Knickers NBA basketball teams evaluate referees, players, and
lineups. During the last 15 years I have also taught Excel business modeling and data
analysis classes to MBA students at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. (As
proof of my teaching excellence, I have won over 45 teaching awards, and have won the
school’s overall MBA teaching award six times.) I would like to also note that 95 percent
of MBA students at Indiana University take my spreadsheet modeling class even though
it is an elective.
The book you have in your hands is an attempt to make these successful classes
available to everyone. Here is why I think the book will help you learn how to use Excel
more effectively:
■ The materials have been tested while teaching thousands of analysts working
for Fortune 500 corporations and government agencies, including the
U.S. Army.
■ I’ve written the book as though I am talking to the reader. I hope this approach
transfers the spirit of a successful classroom environment to the written page.
■ I teach by example, which makes concepts easier to master. These examples are
constructed to have a real-world feel. Many of the examples are based on questions sent to me by employees of Fortune 500 corporations.
■ For the most part, I lead you through the approaches I take in Excel to set up
and answer a wide range of data analysis and business questions. You can follow
along with my explanations by referring to the sample worksheets that accompany each example. However, I have also included template files for the book’s
examples on the companion website. If you want to, you can use these templates to work directly with Excel and complete each example on your own.
■ For the most part, the chapters are short and organized around a single concept. You should be able to master the content of most chapters with at most
two hours of study. By looking at the questions that begin each chapter, you’ll
gain an idea about the types of problems you’ll be able to solve after mastering
a chapter’s topics.
■ In addition to learning about Excel formulas, you will learn some important
math in a fairly painless fashion. For example, you’ll learn about statistics,
forecasting, optimization models, Monte Carlo simulation, inventory modeling,
and the mathematics of waiting in line. You will also learn about some recent
developments in business thinking, such as real options, customer value, and
mathematical pricing models.
■ At the end of each chapter, I’ve provided a group of practice problems (over 600
in total) that you can work through on your own. These problems will help you
master the information in each chapter. Answers to all problems are included in
files on the book’s companion website. Many of these problems are based on
actual problems faced by business analysts at Fortune 500 companies.
■ Most of all, learning should be fun. If you read this book, you will learn how
to predict U.S. presidential elections, how to set football point spreads, how
to determine the probability of winning at craps, and how to determine the
probability of a specific team winning an NCAA tournament. These examples
are interesting and fun, and they also teach you a lot about solving business
problems with Excel.
Note To follow along with this book, you must have Excel 2013. Previous versions of this book can be used with Excel 2003, Excel 2007, or Excel 2010.
What’s new in this edition
This edition of the book contains the following changes:
■ An explanation of Excel’s 2013 exciting Flash Fill feature
■ An explanation of how to delete invisible characters which often mess up
■ An explanation of the following new Excel 2013 functions: SHEET, SHEETS,
■ A simple method for listing all of a workbook’s worksheet names.
■ A chapter describing the exciting new field of analytics.
■ How to create PivotTables from data in disparate locations or based on another
■ How to use Excel 2013’s new Timeline feature to filter PivotTables based on
■ A description of Excel 2013’s Data Model.
■ A description of Excel 2013’s PowerPivot add-in.
■ How to use Power View to create mind blowing charts and graphics.
■ A new chapter on charting tricks and a general description of charting in
Excel 2013.
■ Over 30 new problems have been added.
What you should know before reading this book
To follow the examples in this book you do not need to be an Excel guru. Basically, the
two key actions you should know how to do are the following:
■ Enter a formula You should know that formulas must begin with an equals
sign (=). You should also know the basic mathematical operators. For example,
you should know that an asterisk (*) is used for multiplication, a forward slash (/)
is used for division, and the caret key (^) is used to raise a quantity to a power.
■ Work with cell references You should know that when you copy a formula
that contains a cell reference such as $A$4 (an absolute cell reference, which is
created by including the dollar signs), the formula still refers to cell A4 in the
cells you copy it to. When you copy a formula that contains a cell reference such
as $A4 (a mixed cell address), the column remains fixed, but the row changes.
Finally, when you copy a formula that contains a cell reference such as A4 (a
relative cell reference), both the row and the column of the cells referenced in
the formula change.
How to use this book
As you read along with the examples in this book, you can take one of two approaches:
■ You can open the template file that corresponds to the example you are studying and complete each step of the example as you read the book. You will be
surprised how easy this process is and amazed with how much you learn and
retain. This is the approach I use in my corporate classes.
■ Instead of working in the template, you can follow my explanations as you look
at the final version of each sample file.
Using the companion content
This book features a companion website that makes available to you all the sample files
you use in the book’s examples (both the final Excel workbooks and starting templates
you can work with on your own). The workbooks and templates are organized in folders
named for each chapter. The answers to all chapter-ending problems in the book are
also included with the sample files. Each answer file is named so that you can identify it
easily. For example, the file containing the answer to Problem 2 in Chapter 10 is named
To work through the examples in this book, you need to copy the book’s sample files
to your computer. These practice files, and other information, can be downloaded from
the book’s detail page, located at:
Display the detail page in your Web browser, and follow the instructions for downloading the files.
I am eternally grateful to Jennifer Skoog and Norm Tonina, who had faith in me and
first hired me to teach Excel classes for Microsoft finance. Jennifer in particular was
instrumental in helping design the content and style of the classes on which the book is
based. Keith Lange of Eli Lilly, Pat Keating and Doug Hoppe of Cisco Systems, and Dennis Fuller of the U.S. Army also helped me refine my thoughts on teaching data analysis
and modeling with Excel.
Editors Kenyon Brown and Rachel Roumeliotis did a great job of keeping me (and
the book) on schedule. Peter Myers did a great job with the technical editing. Thanks
also to Production Editors Kara Ebrahim and Chris Norton for managing the book’s
production. I am grateful to my many students at the organizations where I’ve taught
and at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business. Many of them have taught me
things I did not know about Excel.
Alex Blanton, formerly of Microsoft Press, championed this project at the start
and shared my vision of developing a user-friendly text designed for use by business
Finally, my lovely and talented wife, Vivian, and my wonderful children, Jennifer and
Gregory, put up with my long weekend hours at the keyboard.
Support & feedback
The following sections provide information on errata, book support, feedback, and
contact information.
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You’ll find additional information and services for your book on its catalog page. If you need additional support, please e-mail Microsoft Press Book Support at
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At Microsoft Press, your satisfaction is our top priority, and your feedback our most
valuable asset. Please tell us what you think of this book at:
The survey is short, and we read every one of your comments and ideas. Thanks in
advance for your input!
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