Web Designer's Guide to WordPress: Plan, Theme, Build, Launch
Jesse Friedman
New Riders
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Copyright © 2013 by Jesse Friedman
Project Editor: Michael J. Nolan
Development Editor: Margaret S. Anderson/Stellarvisions
Technical Editor: Jonathan Desrosiers
Production Editor: David Van Ness
Copy Editor: Gretchen Dykstra
Proofreader, Patricia Parne
Indexer: Joy Dean Lee
Cover Designer. Charlene Charles-Will
Interior Designer/Compositor Wolfson Design
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The information in this book is distributed on an "As Is" basis without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of the book, neither the author nor Peachpit shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instructions contained in this book or by the computer software and hardware products described in it.
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ISBN 13: 978-0-321-83281-8
ISBN 10:
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I'd like to take this opportunity to thank not only those individuals who directly contributed to the making of this book, but also those who have motivated, taught, and inspired me over the years.
To my family, thank you for instilling in me the value of education and the importance of knowledge. Jake, you're an amazing friend, whom I know I can count on for anything.
Hilary Mason, thank you for the years of motivating, coaching, and teaching. You are a great mentor and friend.
Patrick McNeil, you gave me an opportunity to contribute to your amazing books, which both humbled me and open many doors. I appreciate our friendship and your continued support.
Jeff Golenski, I'm proud to have mentored you in the past and thank you for your massive contri- bution to this book. Your designs and photographs are amazing, as was your willingness to work with me at Starbucks into those late nights and even early mornings.
Michael Nolan, just months ago we were talking about this book over a box lunch and now it's a reality. Thank you for starting that conversation and for all your help with making this book a great resource. Margaret Anderson, I really appreciate your commitment to managing this process and all the late night and weekend hours dedicated to this project. To everyone else at New Riders who had a hand in this book, you're all amazing and I appreciate all your hard work.
Jon Desrosiers, you're a fantastic developer and, as it turns out, a great tech editor. Thanks for finding all the little nuances that I would have otherwise missed.
Sara Cannon, thank you for all your contributions to the WordPress community and for writing the foreword to this book.
To all the industry veterans, WordPress power users, friends, and colleagues who wrote letters for this book, thank you very much. To the rest of the WordPress community who literally made all this possible, I cannot begin to thank you enough. To everyone who has written a patch, contrib- uted to the codex, developed a plugin, or run an event, you're an invaluable member of a global team. And finally, here's a special shout-out to @nacin, @markjaquith, @jjj, @janeforshort, @otto42 and, of course, @photomatt.
Joy, this is as much your book as it is mine. Thank you for everything.
In the past few years, I've been honored to speak at dozens of WordCamps, lead WordCamp Birmingham, and contribute to WordPress Core with the user interface group. I am honored that Jesse asked me to write this foreword. I love the WordPress community.
In this age of ever-changing technology, it's important to be forward-thinking. As web designers, developers, and builders, we need tools that are reliable, faster, better, and sustainable. We desire standards, yet also crave innovation. We don't want to sit idly while technology passes us by-we want to predict what lies ahead and make it.
We need to protect ourselves and our content, and forge our own paths. We have to react to a constantly shifting landscape-proprietary systems only tie us down. To be forward- thinking, we need a platform we can mold into anything we want it to be.
We use WordPress because it's secure, reliable, and adaptable. It can fit anyone's needs, large or small-from high-traffic WordPress.com VIP clients to local urban farms. WordPress isn't just for personal blogs-it's the backbone of large businesses, tight-knit communities, web apps, and everything in between. Most importantly, WordPress is free and open source Thanks to its license, the GPL, WordPress will remain free forever. The GPL lets you build on the shoulders of others, granting you the freedom to reuse whatever you want, shape it, and publish it at will.
Not many platforms can do what WordPress does. Not many have the flexibility to scale and adapt. Some have proprietary code that you can't touch and remake into your own. With WordPress, you can remake and reuse-and you're not alone. WordPress is a community: there are millions of people just like you sharing their code, ideas, and innovations.
Jesse Friedman is one of these people. In this book, he takes you step-by-step through how to leverage WordPress and its intricacies, sharing the knowledge he's gathered from years of working with this tremendous platform. Jesse not only provides you with practical standards for WordPress design and development, but also dives deeper with his own insights.
Jesse has a knack for thinking about not only the outcome, but also ongoing usage. He shows great attention to how people interact with the WordPress dashboard, and provides insight into the user-admin experience. Pioneering the future requires more than a make-it- then-leave-it mentality-it takes thoughtfully crafting experiences for everyone, while keeping an eye on the future.
This book is a tremendous resource to our community.
-Sara Cannon
Sara Cannon is an artist, designer, and developer based in Birmingham, Alabama. She is the cofounder and creative director of Range-A Design and Development Shop.